
Maryam Y.

Tour Guide at Columbia Basin College

Class of 2027

Hometown: Kennewick, WA

Major: Nursing

What are you excited to do/see at CBC this year?

I am very excited to see the equity center come together at CBC. I feel like it will defiantly bring students together.

A few of my life goals are.....

I want to own a house by the time I am 22 years old. and start my nursing career, I want to be experienced and passionate and have a bright future.

Favorite class or professor?

My favorite class is public speaking. it was a very easy class and I was able to be better at speaking publicly. the professor was very nice and offered extra credit as well. I would definitely recommend taking the class.

I chose CBC because....

It's in my hometown so I can stay home and save up money, and because it has a lot of different opportunities for everyone, as well as it has the best nursing program around here.

I'm passionate about...

Painting Skating Shopping Eating

I'm involved with...

Skating Basketball
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