
Nancy P.

Tour Guide at Columbia Basin College

Class of 2024

Hometown: Connell, WA

Major: Medical assistant

What are you excited to do/see at CBC this year?

I’m excited to see where I’ll be in a couple month hopefully I get into the medical assistant program in spring of 2023 and graduate by 2024! Hopefully I pass all my classes now that I have an understanding on how college works.

A few of my life goals are.....

To become a medial assistant and start working as soon as possible. I want to earn as much money as possible to pay off debt and start saving to buy my future home.

I chose CBC because....

It’s affordable and allows me to stay close to home, while getting the college experience

Favorite class or professor?

My favorite class was my intro to Statistics with professor Robert DeLorto

I'm passionate about...

Lifting Painting

I'm involved with...

Helping People
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